Detailed observations on Indian blogging in English

...continued from the previous post on the release of the listing of topmost Indian Blogs... [The present post, published in June 2011 relates to examining over 5k Indian English blogs in the last six months, manually, to come out with a distilled list of top Indian blogs.] --------- Well, the task of ranking blogs for quality was enormous. Consider four of us giving marks to each blog on each of the many criteria, mixing marks given by each member, filtering blogs based on these criteria, examining the remaining blogs again and screening them for more stringent criteria... Even after this big exercise, we are sure that many will find fault with our ranking of top Indian blogs into Platinum, Gold and Excellent blog categories. Content quality: We keep this as the top criterion for selecting a blog in the top blogs list and then ranking it higher within the listing. Content quality is a very subjective concept but we boiled it down to such clear criteria: quality of language, er...