Blog archiving basics-II

by Indian Top Blogs This is the second post in the archiving series. You can see here the first post on blog archiving . If you have landed here directly, we'd recommend that you read that post before reading the present one. Displaying blog archives: keep it simple yet effective You can display archives on the blog in many ways. Some bloggers choose to keep a separate page for archives and put individual posts manually on this page. But this is seldom the most efficient way of managing and displaying archives. Archive display is better done using an automated system, i.e. by using a widget. We list below the most common ways in which archives are displayed on blogs: a. A box stating ‘archives’ or ‘select month’ or something like that. When you click on it, you get a drop-down list. This saves space and is very unobtrusive. However, the list collapses after you click on a link in the list, and you need to re-open the list. Many visitors find this need for rep...