Blogging on LinkedIn: blogging mixed with serious networking!

LinkedIn now allows you to post on it like you post on your blog. A slight correction: LinkedIn did it last year for members in the US and has opened the posting ‘long form posts’ to everybody now. It boasts that in this one year, over one million posts have been written.

This biggest professional networking site in the world says, long form posts let members underscore their professional expertise. We believe that to be true. 

Writing original posts on LinkedIn is like blogging on one’s own blog. And, like blogging, a well-written post presents the author’s character, strengths and weaknesses, talent and skills as much as his expertise.

LinkedIn membership is now over 330 million strong, most of it free. LinkedIn allows its ‘premium’ features only to paying members. The ability to write long form posts gives especially the non-paying members an opportunity to showcase themselves better. 

People have used this opportunity to write on myriad topics: sharpening resume, power dressing, skills for meaningful discussion, succeeding in interviews, sales fundas, spotting the qualities in a boss, controlling emotions in workplace and what not!

To create a new post, look for pencil icon in the ‘Share an update’ box at the top of the updates listing. You can do limited formatting, and add photos and links in the post much like in the post-editor in Wordpress and Blogger. You can search long form posts in the search tool, with drop-down menu ‘Posts’. 


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