Why not highlight your best post on Blogger with a featured post widget?

Blogger keeps adding new widgets (=gadgets) to its collection. We discovered a gadget that keeps one of your important posts on top. This feature was already there in Wordpress but was sorely missed on Blogger. This gadget allows you to put a title and show image if you like. You can put this gadget anywhere on the blog - top, bottom or sidebar. The Featured Post gadget is highly customizable. If you want to put the featured post on top of the blog, be sure that its image is not too small (it will pixellate as it'll try to fill the width of the blog) or too tall (it will push all your contend too much down). Or you can think not to include image in the widget. Also keep in mind that if you select the latest post as the featured post, it will show up near the post - you will have two versions of the same post near each other. Other useful but uncommon widgets on blogger If you have a blog on Blogger, we hope that you have had a look at major gadgets already. Howeve...