How to avoid a slap from Google and maximise gains from keywords

There was a time when SEO pundits told you to stuff your website with paying keywords and the site would be on top of the search engine pages and (therefore) would generate huge incomes. In fact, many early website owners made good money doing that. Then s earch engines got smarter and Google, the daddy of search engines at present, started penalizing websites for keyword stuffing. In recent changes, Google has become (i) very strict and unsparing of unnatural action that is taken to boost traffic or search position, and (ii) very smart at knowing the intent of searchers so that they get relevant search results for their queries. Reams have been written on how to bring your content to the top of search pages without annoying today's smart search engines. Without going into the theory behind the science of web search, we bring you top tips that are up-to-date, ethical and effective. 1. Relevance is what Google, Yahoo and Bing want Do not put keywords that are not releva...