List of top Indian blogs (the Directory of Best Indian Blogs): its 14th edition is out today!

 We are delighted to release the 14th annual edition of the Directory of Best Indian Blogs.

As you would know, this listing of top English blogs in India is curated manually, based on quality of content, regularity and overall contribution to knowledge on the web. We have been publishing the Directory every year, without fail, since 2010.

A blog, essentially, is a diary of regularly generated content. Starting with being a regularly updated collection of individual ruminations and information, it has evolved so much that almost everything that gets published on the web is casually called a 'blog'. We have discussed the evolution of blogging in other posts, and, therefore, would keep our current observations relevant to the present list of top Indian blogs.

One big constraint with us has been to know the regularity of updation of a website/ blog. While most bloggers have an archive gadget on the blog itself, some have a way to let the visitors know how old a particular post is and how regular their postings have been. When we do not find an archive on a blog, we use some tools or go page by page to check if the blog meets our criteria on regularity. But some bloggers do not have even a time-stamp on their posts either in their URL or inside the post. When we fail in finding the regularity of posting in a blog, we leave that blog, however rich it might be in terms of content. Not because we consider such a blog inferior, but we would like to consider it a website rather than a blog.

Some blogs or websites throw a warning when opened in modern browsers, due to malicious code or having a deprecated security certificate. The logic, we are told, is that such sites are vulnerable to attacks by hackers and other cyber criminals, and can thus harm the devices of those who open them. We do open such a site in different browsers, and when it fails the security tests of major browsers, we remove that blog/ website from our database. 

A blogger has recently asked us the rationale behind including highly commercialized websites in this list since 2012. If you also have a doubt on this, please read on. 

We do not include any non-blog website in the Directory. However, when a commercial (or institutional) entity runs a blog as part of its website and publishes useful content in that, we feel such a blog deserves inclusion in the Directory. So, if the website of a property dealer has a section giving valuable insights on housing matters, or the website of a fruit seller has a blog section giving health benefits and other advice on fruits, or a coaching institute has informative articles on different topics, in a blog format, we should welcome such blogs, shouldn't we?

Another question, which might come to somebody's mind regarding the criteria we adopt, is the inclusion of blogs that do not provide much wisdom, but review or list events or are of interest of very few people. Some examples of such blogs (very few such blogs are there in the Directory) are: a blog run by a housing society federation for its members; a blog giving details of upcoming competitive examinations; a blog on a niche within cricket championships. We thought over the matter and came to the conclusion that when we accept very personal blogs, which have the bloggers' intimate experiences that might not interest anybody in the world, as eligible blogs, we should include blogs with very narrow viewership or their content not containing top-class wisdom, subject to certain conditions. For example, the blog list does not include private blogs, blogs needing registration for being able to read posts, and company blogs having only one's own product reviews.

In view of the problems mentioned above, many blogs with good content get left out. If you are owner of such a blog and think that your blog meets the selection criteria for including blogs in the lists issued by Indian Top Blogs, you can consider sending an email to us, explaining the matter. You must take action to make the blog secure (in case there is a security issue) before proposing it to us. In case it seems to have been excluded for uncertain regularity, you must provide proof of adequate regularity of the blog by giving links to individual posts (at least one post for at least nine out of the last 12 months) or sharing month/ date-wise archive. The email for contacting us for this purpose is 

By clicking the link or the icon given below, you can visit the latest edition of the Directory of Best Indian Blogs.


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