Make money blogging
How to make money blogging for beginners
The posts linked here explain different aspects relating to earning. They have been created keeping in mind the needs of beginners, very new bloggers and bloggers who have recently jumped from personal blogging to professional blogging to earn money.
There are also articles on business blogging, listed in a separate section below.
What should you do for professional blogging?
When you make a personal or hobby blog, your purpose is to keep a record of things that you like and share with others. You may also not focus the blog on a particular subject. Most personal blogs are on free blogging platforms such as Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr or Medium.
On the other hand, if your aim is to make money or to promote your brand through blogging or use the blog to support an existing business, you must do blogging in a professional way. For that, you need to
- design the blog (and then maintain it) using a content management system
- host the blog on a web hosting server
- buy a domain name for the blog
- work hard to promote the blog and optimize its posts for search
If money making is the goal, you must also take these actions:
- monetize the blog (= place ads on the blog or use other means to make money from the blog)
- install e-commerce system on the blog (if you sell a product or service through the blog)
When you want to start a blog with the aim to make money
- Start a blog and make money. This is a detailed post from starting the blog to monetization.
- Experiences of bloggers who make good amount of money blogging
Types of blogs that make money
What are the paying niches for blogging? But do you have the expertise in any of them? What next after you select the right niche? What types of blog make money? These posts answer such questions:
- Top paying blogging niches
- What to do when the blog is stuck in a bad niche?
- Food blogging: practical tips and tricks
- Experiences of food bloggers shared
- How Google 'badges' work on food blogs
- Tips on travel blogging: detailed post
- Travel blogging: support activities
- Tips shared by travel bloggers who make good money from blogging
- Beauty and fashion blogging tips: detailed post on all aspects of fashion blogging
- This post talks of hard realities you should know when you start a fashion blog
- Tips on technology blogging
- How to make a blog for product reviews for making money
- Tips on maintaining a book review blog
How to monetize a blog
Blog monetization includes different ways by which you convert the blog's content, traffic and reputation into money. These include clickable advertisements (AdSense is the most popular among them), direct advertisements from companies, affiliate marketing (in which you get commission when someone buys through your website). Please visit these links for details:
- Is blog enough to pay handsomely? If not, what else to do for making more money?
- What to do when AdSense does not pay well?
- What to do when AdSense rejects your application?
- Affiliate marketing: how it works, how to do affiliation, best practices
Why should businesses have a blog?
- How companies engage with visitors and how should they
- Why should businesses blog?
- Best practices for business blogging
- Why should top people in companies blog, and how?
How to make money blogging, in Hindi
A detailed post on making money from the blog, for Hindi readers हिंदी में ब्लॉगिंग से पैसा कैसे कमाएं?
Other aspects of professional blogging or blogging for money
- Minor HTML tweaks to make the blog better for money making
- GST tax considerations for bloggers (focused on India)
As said in the beginning, there are many actions that need to be taken to make money from blogging. These include SEO, getting traffic, web hosting, etc. ITB has many articles with concepts and tips on all of these. They are arranged category-wise and linked in the right sidebar. If you are viewing this page on a mobile phone and the sidebar does not show up, please go to the regular version of ITB.
If you have knowledge you/we can do whatever we want. Blogging also need knowledge, if you have knowledge than you can make money easily... thank you..)