Directory of Best Indian Blogs | top Indian blogs in 2024
This is the latest (14th) edition of the Directory of Best Indian Blogs, published every year since 2010. The blog list has about three hundred blogs (in English) maintained by top Indian bloggers.
Different aspects of selection of blogs for the Directory have been elaborated in the release note issued on July 15, 2024 on the ITB blog. In the present page, let us just tell about the blogs in the Directory.
2. We have taken care to give the correct title of each blog against its entry in the blog list. However, when a blog has many titles (one in metadata, another on the top title-bar, sometimes yet another as a text image or logo), we have chosen the one that best describes the blog. We will make change if a blogger wants a more relevant title, out of the available ones, to be shown in the blog listing.
3. We are open to adding new blogs even after release of a particular edition of the Directory. However, the blog must meet our selection criteria (given on the sidebar/resource links of the blog). If you want to contact us for inclusion of a blog in the Directory of Best Indian Blogs, please drop an email at:
Here is the listing of top Indian blogs in 2024 in English:
ajitvarwandkar - Ajit Varwandkar
allusefulinfo - All Useful Info
alokeshgupta - radioactivity
aminacreations - Amina Creations
amitabh-tiwari - Amitabh Tiwari
anitaexplorer - The Explorer of Miracles
anuradhagoyal - Anuradha Goyal
aravindgundumane - Treks and Travels
arihantainstitute - Arihanta Institute
ashokism - Ashokism…
askvg - AskVJ
auraofthoughts - Aura of Thoughts
avibrantpalette - A Vibrant Palette
ayurvedicvillage - agni
bachikarkaria - Bachi Karkaria
bakewithshivesh - Bake with Sivesh
baradwajrangan - Baradwaj Rangan
barandbench - Bar and Bench
basunivesh - BasuNivesh
beautyandfashionfreaks - Beauty and Fashion Freaks
beontheroad - Be on the Road
bikramvohra - Bikram Vohra
bliss-of-everyday-life - Bliss of Everyday Life
blogaberry - Blogaberry
bloggingjoy - Blogging Joy
blogtobollywood - Blog to Bollywood
bohemianbibliophile - Bohemian Bibliophile
bollywoodmascot - Bollywood mascot
bookedforlife - Booked for Life
bookfoodlanguage - Book Food Language
bookishelf - The Bookish Elf
bookreviewscafe - Book Reviews Cafe
bookscharming - Books Charming
bpradeepnair - Time and Tide
businessconnectindia - Business Connect
carvaidya - CarVaidya
chandoo - Chandoo
cherryontopblog - Cherry On Top
chitrasfoodbook - Chitra's Food Book
christinepemberton - Delhi Diary
ciiblog - CII blog
coffeetablescience - Coffee Table Science
cognitiontoday - Cognition Today
counselindia - Counsel India
craniumbolts - Cranium Bolts
cybernag - The Cyber Nag
ddsreviews - b00k r3vi3ws
deepak-indianhistory - Indian History
deepties - Deep Ties
deeshaa - Atanu Dey
defencestar - defence star
desicreative - Desi Creative
deskera - Deskera
downtoearth - DownToEarth
dr-prashant-prabhakar-deshpande - Dr. Prashant Prabhakar Deshpande
drchetankalal - drchetankalal
drishtiias - Drishti IAS Blog
drishtikone - drishtikone
edtechreview - Education Technology
efghfoods - Eat for Good Health
endlesselan - Epiphanic Moments
enidhi - eNidhi India
enrouteindianhistory - Enroute Cultural and Heritage Blogs
erratica - Erratica
everydaygyaan - Everyday Gyaan
eximpedia - EXIMPEADIA
fantasticfeathers - Fantastic Feathers
finology - FINOLOGY Blog
fonearena - Fone Arena
footloosedev - FootLoose Dev
forbesindia - Forbes India Blog
forumias - Forum IAS
gen-ai - Mind Field
give - give
gleefulblogger - Gleefulblogger
godofsmallthing - God of Small Thing
goodreturns - good returns
graciousposts - Graciousposts
gtricks - GTRICKS
guidingtech - Guiding Tech
happinessandfood - Happiness and Food
happinesscreativity - Happiness Creativity
hassan-akram - Hassan Akram
healthwealthbridge - Healthwealthbridge
hebbarskitchen - Hebbars Kitchen
hellboundbloggers - Hellbound Bloggers
highheelconfidential - High Heel Confidential
himalayanwritingretreat - The Himalayan Writing Retreat
himalayashelter - Himalaya Shelter
hinduamerican - HAF
holycowvegan - Holy Cow!
homecynhome - Home Cyn Home
homedecorexpert - Home Decor Expert
homeyar-jal-tavaria - Homeyar Jal Tavaria
ibef - India ADDA
ibooksta - ibooksta
idrw - Indian Defence Research Wing
ilovefreesoftware - ilovefreesoftware
imaginationwaffle - Imagination Waffle
imvoyager - Voyager
indconlawphil - Indian Constitutional Law and Philosophy
indiacorplaw - IndiaCorpLaw
indianartideas - IndianArtIdeas
indianautosblog - Indian Autos Blog
indianbookcritics - Indian Book Critics
indiandefensenews - Indian Defence News
indianeagle - Travel Diary
indianphilosophyblog - The Indian Philosophy Blog
indianweb2 - Indian Web2
indiastrategic - India Strategic
inditales - indiatales
investindia - Invest India
ipl - IPL Cricket
ipleaders - iPleaders
isha - Isha-Sadhguru
itslife - itslife
jaiarjun - Jabberwock
jaipurthrumylens - Jaipur Thru My Lens!!
jambudweepam - Life is Like This
jewelsofsayuri - Jewels of Sayuri
jugsuraiya - Jug Suraiya
just-in-jest - Just in Just
kamadenu - Krishna for Today
karnatakatravel - Journeys across Karnataka
keveinbooksnreviews - Kevein Books and Reviews
khetigaadi - KhetiGaadi
khyatigautam - Bookish Fame
kidsstoppress - Kidsstoppress
kiransawhney - Kiran Sawhney
kitchenhash - Kitchenhash
kjsingh - Lt General K J Singh
kreativemommy - Kreativemommy
labnol - Digital Inspiration
lassiwithlavina - Lassi with Lavina
lawandotherthings - Law and Other Things
lawctopus - Lawctopus
leverageedu - Wings
lgiyer - Lakshmi Iyer
locomente - Locomente
lucky-vagabond - Travel Diariews
mahetri - MaheTri
mahevashmuses - Mahevash Muses
makeupandbeautyblog - Makeup Review And Beauty Blog
manuel-freire-garabal-y-nunez - Manuel Freire-Garabal y Núnez
masterblogging - Master Blogging
matheikal - Tomichan Matheikal's blog
maxhealthcare - Max Health Blogs
memoryflies - Memory Flies
milliblog - Milliblog
missbookthief - Asha Seth
missmalini - Miss Malini
moderngypsy - Modern Gypsy
modifurniture - MODI Furniture
mommyshravmusings - MommyShravmusings
moneyexcel - MoneyExcel
moneyview - Money View
monkprayogshala - Monk Prayogshala
morningstar - Morningstar
mothersgurukul - Mothers Gurukul
mumbai-eyed - Mumbai Daily
mumbaikarsperspective -
mybeautygym - MyBeautyGym
mygov - MyGov Blog
myinvestmentideas - Myinvestmentideas
mysleepwell - Sleepwell
mysoultalks - My Soultalks
nabanitadhar - Random Thoughts
namasteui - creative-blog
natashamusing - Natasha Musing
newbooksreviewer - New Books Reviewer
newsphilosophy - Philosophy News in India
nextias - Next IAS Blog
nishainfotech - NishaInfotech
nishitak - Nishita's Rants and Raves
nishtha-gautam - Nishtha Gautam
nobiliaindia - nobilia
nooranandchawla - Noor Anand Chawla
onecentatatime - One Cent at a Time
onehotstove - One Hot Stove
onlineclothingstudy - Online Clothing Study
peoplematters - People Matters
petpuja -
pickyeaterblog - The PICKY Eater
pikturenama - Picturenama
pinkvilla - PINKVILLA
piunikaweb - PiunikaWeb
pixelatedtales - Destiny's Child
positiveprovocations - Positive Provocations
praguntatwa - Sun-Sea-Soil-Sky
queenoftreasures - Queen of Treasures
raisingchildren101 - Raising Children 101
rajeevianlinesandverses - Spontaneous Overflow
ranjanascraftblog - Ranjana's Craft Blog
rashmee-roshan-lall - Rashmee Roshan Lall
ravi-singh - Ravi Singh
rehabs - Indian Addiction and Recovery Blog
reviewbybookworms - Bookworm's Reviews
reviews-redpillows - Red Pillows
revolvingcompass - A Revolving Compass…
ridingtheelephant - Riding the Elephant
riflerangeboy - Rifle Range Boy
roadtodivinity - Road to Divinity
rohitbhargava - Influential Marketing Blog
romancingtheplanet - Romancing the Planet
rootupdate - Root Update
rpdeans - DeansMusings
rupamsarma - rupam sarma
sabyreviews - Saby Reviews
safalniveshak - Safal Niveshak
samarpanrecovery - samarpan
sanitydaily - Sanity Daily
sarathbabu - Sarath Babu's Lifestyle Blog
scoreindia - SCoRe
sg-shootthebreeze - Shoot the Breeze
shailsnest - Shail's Nest
sharmispassions - Sharmis Passions
shubhabrata-bhattacharya - Subrata Bhattacharya
skincarevilla - Skincare Villa
socialmaharaj - Social Maharaj
soniasmusings - Sonia's Musings
soravjain - Digital Marketing Blog India
speaking-tree - Speaking Tree
spinny - Spinny
sqlauthority - Journey to SQL Authority with Pinal…
srbachchan - Bachan Bol
sreedharb - Reflecting on Life
srinivasa - Dr. Kembai Srinivasa Rao
stableinvestor - Stable Investor
storizen - STORIZEN
storywala - Storywala
subhrashis - Subhrashis
sudhanambudiri - Sudha Nambudiri
sunbyanyname - Sunbyanyname
surbhiprapanna - Welcome to Surbhi's Crazy Creative World
suvratk - Rapid Uplift
swarajyamag - Swarajya
sweetannu - SweetAnnu
talktoangel - Talk to Angel
tattoosera - Tattoos Era
techfeatured - Tech Featured
techgyd - TechGYD
techlila - TechLila
technosamigos - Technos Amigos
technotrait - Technotrait
techplugged - Tech Plugged
techpp - Techology Personalized!
telecomtalk - Telecom Talk
thatgoangirl - That Goan Girl
thebookdecoder - The Book Decoder
thecommonmanspeaks - The Common Man Speaks
thecrazyprogrammer - The Crazy Programmer
thedelhiwalla - The Delhi Walla
theguidex - TheGuideX
theindianlawyer - The Indian Lawyer
theleapjournal - The Leap Blog
theneerjabhatnagar - Neerja's Musings
thesportsmanwritesaway - ritesh.misra
thetravelcurry - The Travel Curry
thewhimsybookworm - The Whimsy Bookworm
thirdeye007blog - My Third Eye Vision
thrillingtravel - Thrilling Travel
tractorguru - Tractor Guru
trak -
travelogyindia - Travelogy India
trawell - Trawell
trendpickle - TrendPickle
trendtofit - TrendToFit
trulyyoursroma - Truly Yours Roma
tryootech - Tryootech
tusktravel - Tusk Travel
undp - UNDP India Blog
updateland - Updateland
veganricha - Vegan Richa
vidhikarya - Legal Blogs India
vidhilegalpolicy - VIDHI Blog
vidhyathakkar - Vidhya Thakkar
vidyasury - Vidya Sury
viewtraveling - View Traveling
viflick - Vi Flick
vinodekbote - Vinod Ekbote
viralbake - Viral Bake
vishytheknight - Vishy's Blog
vrag - VRAG
waywardwayfarer - wayward wayfarer
weddingsutra - Wedding Sutra
wellthinest - Wellthinest
wigglingpen - WigglingPen
wordsmithkaur - Wordsmith Kaur
wordsopedia - Wordsopedia
wri-india - WRI India blogs